Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday in Ancaster

I woke up early this morning and had a good cup of coffee at George and Marg's and was able to enjoy a quiet time in the morning before they woke up. Marg and I then went for a mile walk before breakfast and church. 
I worship at 1st Christian Reformed Church in Guelph heard Josh Vriend preach who had a great sermon on Body and Soul from the Heidelberg Catechism.  He indicated he would be moving to Red Deer Al as he had accepted a position there as pastor. I think Josh will make a great pastor. I meet many old acquaintances in Guelph and was able to share some of the Sea to Seas story.
I then head back to Redeemer for lunch and Celebration Service at 3.  This service was filled with lots of people. 

We had great singing and heard a great message from Todd Bender from City Kids who spoke about poverty and doing little things that make a huge difference. We should not be overwhelmed by the huge needs, but look at small things that can be done just like we see the Sea to Sea ride as one peddle stroke, one day at a time  and not look at the full 9 weeks at once. He also challenged us to think about what we will do have the tour is over and challenged non riders to think about what they would do after today to make a difference in someone's life even in a small way to provide hope and encouragement. It was a great service with meaningful songs to sing. We were blessed.  Thank you Hamilton area churches for a warm welcome and Celebration. I saw many old friends and missed taking pictures of some of them. Clarence and Jane Damsma, John and Wendy from Cambridge,  and Adrian and Willie Kooy came to Woodland to see me and missed me. I also saw Alexia Leimstra parents Ann and John who I did a bike and barge tour in the Netherlands in 2007. 
Also saw Hilda Roukema at the church serving lunch.  Great to see and visit with old friends
The area churches also feed us well and we enjoyed meals provided by them.  This gave the kitchen staff some time off as they work 7 days a week if meals are not provided by churches.
tonight we welcomed over 40 newbies. We have 125 riders from Ancaster to Montreal and 22 volunteers. This is the largest group on this tour.  A number of people have been on the previous tours so it felt like welcome home for them and they were glad to be back on Sea to Sea.
In less than 2 weeks we will be finished. we had a beautiful sunset as we were closing our small groups and heading back to the dorms. Also took a picture of Jasper Hoogendam who rides a unicycle about 10-15 mile each day to remember those who are handicapped and maybe poor.




Time has moved quickly and it is hard to believe there are only 12 biking days left.  We hope the weather continues to be cooler as this makes biking more enjoyable and easier. We are looking forward to riding along Lake Ontario and seeing all the beautiful scenery.  Should be a fun and interesting day tomorrow riding through Toronto, past the CN tower and along the water front.  Hopefully it will not be too busy.

Ready for bed and have appreciated the WiFi access in the dorms and being able to finishing blogging for another day.  May everyone have a blessed day tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reading your blog here in Florida and feeling as if I'm with you in Canada....ahhhhh, the cool,crisp air !!! Do enjoy the rest of your challenge. You are blessed.