Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15th Kingston to Brockville, 53 miles

What a glorious day it was today.  Perfect temps cool, bright sunny skies, no clouds and great scenery.  Could not get any better than today.  We rode along the St Lawernce Seaway all day.
At mile 30 we stopped at Ivy Lea to take a boat tour of the 1000 Islands.  Many people had never been here and were not aware what a beautiful area this is.  I lived in Brockville for 6 months in 1972 where my son Scott was born. I lived in Eastern Ontario area for 12 years so know a little bit about the area and how beautiful it is. 
About 100 people took the tour and we saw Boldt Castle which was built by the owner of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in NYC for his wife.  It was never finished as his wife died and he lost interest. The chef is famous for creating the 1000 Islands dressing, Eggs Benedict, and the Waldorf salad.  We also saw the shortest international bridge in the world - a walking bridge between 2 islands one US and the other Canadian. It was a great day to be on the water for a boat ride.
Phil Jan and Ken

Jon and Bev Billie Joy Doug

Sharon and Allen Tans and myself

Boldt Castle

Boldt Castle

Statue of St Lawrence

John Stehouwer catching a nap. Note pink phone.

When we got off the boat someone had taken all our bike helmets and clipped them together and put them on the table. Initially we were all shocked and perturbed but then thought the idea hilarious.  Watch out to those who did it as there are cyclists prepared to return the prank on you. 

After our boat ride Ken VanWerkum joined Jan and I.  Jan gave Ken pointers on pulling up on his pedals with his bike shoes. It is amazing how much faster he started to go and how much easier he found the hills.  We were almost into camp when Ken had a flat.  I and Mike Vander Wele helped Ken change his tire and he again learned some new tricks on changing tires.  However when we were ready to go his tire blew again and now his tire was done and he could not bike.  He started to walk towards a SAG stop as someone told us there was a vehicle right done the road.  When found out we were under a kilometer from camp. 

I will finish my post as supper is ready and I want to get this done.  No pictures right now as I am having trouble loading pictures from my phone to my computer tonight.  will post pictures when I can. 
Supper in Brockville was again another feast.  We had sausages, kale with mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade applesauce, salad and a vast assortment of desserts provided by the Brockville CRC.  Awesome and very delicious. Some one made the statement we are eating our way across Canada.  Many Americans are really amazed at how we are being treated in Canada and are very impressed by the hospitality and food.  They are also impressed with the great roads and scenery.  It has been very picturesque so far.  After Cornwall we expect things to be different as we enter Quebec and going down into New York State. Maybe the churches in Montreal and NY state will surprise us as well with warm welcomes and great food.
Edited post to get pictures on.
Last night when we were in Kingston the two churches served us and I meet some old friends from way back in the 80' and 90's

                                          Ed Vander Meer talking to Al Karsten and Wayne DeJong.
Irene and Leo Jonker whose home I stayed at while I studied part time for my Masters in Public Administration at Queens University in the early 90's

Peloton meeting in Kingston

We were lead in singing by praise team from one of the churches.

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