Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday at home in Grand Rapids

Today was a good day to be home even though it was very busy.  Enjoyed getting up and watching the sun come up through the sun porch windows and to listen to the radio.  It is always a relaxing time for me and I enjoy the early morning time of quiet, drinking a good cup of coffee and doing my devotions before Hank gets up and the day begins.
Today we went to church and were greeted by many friends who indicated they appreciated reading my and hearing about the goings on about the tour.  It was good to worship with old friends.  Donna Regan from Oregon and her  sister Dawn stayed with us and went to church with us. Donna and Dawn are Catholic but appreciated our worship style and the songs and the message. They felt very comfortable being with us. They were also warmly greeted by people which made them feel at home and welcomed.
Donna Regan and myself at church
After church we went to Calvin Christian Reformed Church where we were treated with a delicious lunch by the Calvin church community.  Thank you to Calvin for your hospitality and kindness.
After lunch, I came home as I needed to sort through my baskets, clean out clothes I had not worn and to switch out some others. Felt good to get reorganized and to know where everything was.  Once organized I went back to Calvin College to put my organized baskets on the shelves in the gear truck where the baskets will be for the next three weeks.  It feels good to know there are three weeks left and that we will be traveling through Ontario where there are lots of old friends and some family which I am looking forward to connecting with.
At 5 PM the Celebration service was held.  All the cyclists assembled and walked around the upper level in the Van Noord Arena before taking our seats on the main floor. 
We walked in to the words of Christ is our Light which is our theme song and has very meaningful words that speak well of what this tour really is all about. Again I saw lots of old friends George and Shirley Vink, Len Hoffman, Phil and Mary Frens, and Mary Dracht. Saw family sister Audrey and her husband Frank. Good to see them.




We were lead in worship by the Alive Praise group which energized the crowd in their singing, Pastor Doug McClintic gave a powerful message that challenged all of us in our service to the poor.  
After the Celebration Service we were treated to another delicious meal served by LeGrave Christian Reformed Church.  Thank you so much LeGrave for your gift of a great meal.  I was very hungry and enjoyed the vast assortment of salads and sandwiches.
It is now after 10 and morning comes early.  I have had to download maps to my GPS charge all my electronics for tomorrow including my head light for my bike as we might have rain in the morning. 
So tomorrow starts week 7 and we will be heading to Canada on Wednesday. Looking forward to a great warm welcome in Sombra Ontario.
Yesterday afternoon a group of the young men had to strut their stuff and challenged each other to see who could ride the fastest in the lowest gear around campus.  Don't know who won, but we had a good laugh.  Most men were these bib shorts. 

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