Today’s stats
Distance 75.59 miles
Time in Saddle 5.37 hours
Ascent 1147 feet
Current Elevation 969 feet
Average speed 13.4 miles per hour
Temperature this morning 60 degrees
Temperature today 81 degrees
Winds were from the Northeast at 6-10 miles per hour.
Hank and I stayed with Myrna Panjer home. We had an opportunity to share with her some of the tour is like and to share special moments. It was good to sleep in a nice bed rather than a tent. Hank is looking forward to being done camping. I told him this morning we only have 8 biking days left. This morning she served us a great cup of coffee and muffins before we headed out to camp for 615.
We quickly prepared our lunch and checked our bikes before heading out. Hank headed out with Shirley and Ken VanWerken and I headed out with Rich and Carol Rienstra. It was a sunny day, but we did have a head wind all the way into London.
The terrain was very flat again. Rich and Carol commented that even though it was flat it was not boring as the homes and farms and fields were very interesting, well cared for. There were lots of flowers in front of the homes and well cared for yards.
On the way, 28 cyclists were starting a timed trail over 40 kilometers. Many of them had never done a timed trail, but were willing to give it a try. The time trial involves biking as fast as the cyclist can over the 40 kilometers. They are timed at the start and finish and the time it takes them to complete the distance is your speed over the distance. You are competing with yourself. Many of the cyclists were very tired at the end, but really pleased they did it.
Cyclists getting ready for their time trial
We were served a great lunch of roast beef, salads, and fruit by the Mt Bridges and Strathroy CRC churches. Thanks to the members of these churches for a fabulous lunch.
Biking into London was very tiring for Carol and Rich. Being it was their fourth day on the road they found biking for 4 days very tiring today and Carol was running out of energy. I kept encouraging them to keep moving as that they could get into camp and relax.
We had another God moment when we were heading onto the bike path in Springbank Gardens here in London and ran into Dan and Ida Tigchelaar, long time friends who live in London, just as we were coming though a red light. We could not believe that they were right at that spot.
Dan and Ida Tigchelaar. Ida has a bike with an attitude.
We were greeted at the Forks in London by members of the London churches and saw George and Robin Saylor daughter and son in law of Dan and Ida. We were offered fresh watermelon and cold drinks. A reporter from Rogers TV here London also interviewed me. Hopefully it will be on the news tonight. George and Robin Saylor at the Forks
Sarah Terpstra greeted at the Forks by her nieces
When we arrived at London District Christian High School, John and Marg Hagens long time friends from Sarnia greeted us. The area churches also served us ice cream, chocolate milk, fresh fruit and baked goods. They also served us supper. John and Marg Hagens at London District High School
Hank and I, Rich and Carol, and Tony Schweitzer were invited to Dan and Ida’s for supper and to sleep in real beds. John and Margi were also coming for supper.
We are currently enjoying our time here at Dan and Ida’s and visiting with dear friends. It is a real treat to see them and to share what the tour is like.
Tomorrow we ride 75 miles to Hamilton and will be staying at Redeemer College. We do hope we will have the wind on our backs one of these days. It would be nice as the day is much easier.
Distance 75.59 miles
Time in Saddle 5.37 hours
Ascent 1147 feet
Current Elevation 969 feet
Average speed 13.4 miles per hour
Temperature this morning 60 degrees
Temperature today 81 degrees
Winds were from the Northeast at 6-10 miles per hour.
Hank and I stayed with Myrna Panjer home. We had an opportunity to share with her some of the tour is like and to share special moments. It was good to sleep in a nice bed rather than a tent. Hank is looking forward to being done camping. I told him this morning we only have 8 biking days left. This morning she served us a great cup of coffee and muffins before we headed out to camp for 615.
We quickly prepared our lunch and checked our bikes before heading out. Hank headed out with Shirley and Ken VanWerken and I headed out with Rich and Carol Rienstra. It was a sunny day, but we did have a head wind all the way into London.
The terrain was very flat again. Rich and Carol commented that even though it was flat it was not boring as the homes and farms and fields were very interesting, well cared for. There were lots of flowers in front of the homes and well cared for yards.
On the way, 28 cyclists were starting a timed trail over 40 kilometers. Many of them had never done a timed trail, but were willing to give it a try. The time trial involves biking as fast as the cyclist can over the 40 kilometers. They are timed at the start and finish and the time it takes them to complete the distance is your speed over the distance. You are competing with yourself. Many of the cyclists were very tired at the end, but really pleased they did it.
Cyclists getting ready for their time trial
We were served a great lunch of roast beef, salads, and fruit by the Mt Bridges and Strathroy CRC churches. Thanks to the members of these churches for a fabulous lunch.
Biking into London was very tiring for Carol and Rich. Being it was their fourth day on the road they found biking for 4 days very tiring today and Carol was running out of energy. I kept encouraging them to keep moving as that they could get into camp and relax.
We had another God moment when we were heading onto the bike path in Springbank Gardens here in London and ran into Dan and Ida Tigchelaar, long time friends who live in London, just as we were coming though a red light. We could not believe that they were right at that spot.
Dan and Ida Tigchelaar. Ida has a bike with an attitude.
We were greeted at the Forks in London by members of the London churches and saw George and Robin Saylor daughter and son in law of Dan and Ida. We were offered fresh watermelon and cold drinks. A reporter from Rogers TV here London also interviewed me. Hopefully it will be on the news tonight. George and Robin Saylor at the Forks
Sarah Terpstra greeted at the Forks by her nieces
When we arrived at London District Christian High School, John and Marg Hagens long time friends from Sarnia greeted us. The area churches also served us ice cream, chocolate milk, fresh fruit and baked goods. They also served us supper. John and Marg Hagens at London District High School
Hank and I, Rich and Carol, and Tony Schweitzer were invited to Dan and Ida’s for supper and to sleep in real beds. John and Margi were also coming for supper.
We are currently enjoying our time here at Dan and Ida’s and visiting with dear friends. It is a real treat to see them and to share what the tour is like.
Tomorrow we ride 75 miles to Hamilton and will be staying at Redeemer College. We do hope we will have the wind on our backs one of these days. It would be nice as the day is much easier.
I saw you on Rogers TV ... you looked great. Good to see you. Hope you enjoyed the "real" bed.
Hi Claire
Just wanted to let you know that I have been traveling with you through your daily blogs.
I’m just amazed at the effort that goes into the long daily physical effort, especially through
the mountains and the looooong rides; but also the time taken to write the daily blogs and posting of the pictures.
I’m a bit of a newspaper & magazine addict but my priority has changed to checking riders’ blogs at least
twice a day for new postings ioncluding Barb Mellema, Marti du Plessis, Bert Slofstra and Josh Krabbe.
Also pass on my greetings to Hank-I sure admire his herculean commitment- and the other riders. What an undertaking all of you
have taken on to raise awareness for the poor.
Meeting Dan and Ida on their bikes
must have been a nice surprise!
We continue to remember The Sea to Sea tour in our prayers.
Richard Dykstra
Richard Dykstra
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