Today we have another rest day. Thank you Lord that we have the day to rest.
Last night it was it was very hot and humid in camp. Many people had difficulty sleeping and decided to sleep in the arena were it was much cooler. Hank and I did manage to get to sleep. We opened the flys on the tent to try and get a little breeze through. Not much came through. It was good to sleep in to 7 AM and have a more leisurely breakfast.
For worship service we had a choice to go either to Omaha or Lincoln to a CRC church. Some people opted to stay back and go to a local Lutheran church across the street from camp. The ride to Lincoln was 1 hour and 20 minutes.
We are glad we choose this one. It is a smaller church that has an active ministry to prisoners and homeless people. We worhiped with over 40 people from the local prison. Two of the men were baptized by total immersion. It was an interesting experience as they were submersed in a water trough that farmers use for watering animals. Each of the men gave testimony to what Jesus meant to them and what a difference having Jesus in their hearts has made. This was a blessed experience for us.
Baptism by submersion taking place.
Pastor Sam had a very meaningful and timely message as he spoke about Stewardship and Poverty. Quoting 1 John 3 17-18 If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion- how can God's love be in that person? Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. He challenged each of us to leave margin in our lives to serve and give to others and to nuture an attitude as displayed by Jesus and Boaz.
After church we had lunch with the congregation. I sat next to one of the people from prison to hear his story. His name is Ray. He has been involved with drugs and therefore ended up in prison. He knows he needs Jesus in his heart and life. Please pray that Ray will find a church home where he can be supported and encouraged as he tries to make a new life and to change his life around. Each prisoner has their own struggles and they need our encouragement and prayers to help them break their distructive life styles and behavious. I encouraged Ray to speak to Pastor Sam to see how he can get connected more strongly to this church.
For those of you reading my blog, I hope you have seriously consider what you can do to make a difference. I also hope each of you have donated to ending the cycle of poverty. When people hear what and why we are doing this tour, they donate 5, 10 or 100.
Dear Claire and Hank, You both are in our thoughts and prayers daily. The trip sounds like a grind, a hard test. I appreciate your comments that connect life in poverty and our own passages on life's journey that challenge with unrelenting headwinds, doubts about purpose and energy drain -- like a long bike trek.
Grace and peace to you both.
John and Linda Rozeboom
Dear Friends,
We went to the UP today to visit Troy. Don DeYoung from Kalamazoo and Lisa Murphy from Muskegon rode with us. We dropped Lisa off to visit with Troy first while we went to Rudyard CRC. Read my blog for more info - but I noted your blog's account of worshipping with prisoners. That is truly amazing. Pray for Rich and others involved in an important meeting about the prison congregation. Thanks for the anniversary card - very thoughful of you - also the birthday card a couple of weeks ago. Wow - the time is going by so fast! I have meetings tomorrow about the GR celebration - hope to get things under control.
Love ya, Carol and Rich
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