Day 39
Today’s stats
Distance 112.8 miles
Time in saddle 7.45 hours
Total ascent 2632
Current elevation 1166
Average speed 14.5 miles per hour
Temperature today 85 degrees.
Both Hank and I started out at 630. Hank arrived in camp at 615 and I arrived at 430. Hanks riding partners Mary and Bill took a SAG at Rockford about 70 miles into the ride. Hank had a flat tire and was tired when he got into camp. Otherwise he is doing well. He has done both of the long days ride.
Today was another long ride. The weather was great with a cool breeze in the morning and not too hot in the after noon. We did have a northwesterly wind at first that changed to north later on. This slowed us down somewhat and we did not have the same advantage as yesterday’s northwesterly winds.
Today’s stats
Distance 112.8 miles
Time in saddle 7.45 hours
Total ascent 2632
Current elevation 1166
Average speed 14.5 miles per hour
Temperature today 85 degrees.
Both Hank and I started out at 630. Hank arrived in camp at 615 and I arrived at 430. Hanks riding partners Mary and Bill took a SAG at Rockford about 70 miles into the ride. Hank had a flat tire and was tired when he got into camp. Otherwise he is doing well. He has done both of the long days ride.
Today was another long ride. The weather was great with a cool breeze in the morning and not too hot in the after noon. We did have a northwesterly wind at first that changed to north later on. This slowed us down somewhat and we did not have the same advantage as yesterday’s northwesterly winds.
I rode with Len, Jill and Leanne today, as Joan wanted to try a faster ride with Anne from Winnipeg. Anne rides too fast for me and never wants to stop.
It was a good ride although harder than yesterday due to the wind coming from the north.
Most of the riders are looking forward to having the 100 miles days behind them. Tomorrow we have to do just 100 miles and than Saturday only 72. We are looking forward to shorter rides and having a more relaxing time riding and enjoying it more. Right now with the long days all you try to do is to get in as many miles as possible before noon and we do not spend lots of time idling on the road because we have so many miles to cover. We do try to take time to visit with people along the way to share our story when we can, but than get back on the road to finish the ride.
Some of the faster and stronger riders do have more time, but for the most of us we take a good part of the day to complete each days ride.
Len road past a golf course and could not resist asking on of the golfers if he could hit a shot. Len is missing his golf after 5 weeks on the road.
The spirit in camp is very positive. Internet is still an issue but we hope to have a technician look at it on Friday to see why we are having so much trouble. Apparently some of the equipment has been faulty and needs to be replaced. Not getting Internet has been a frustration for cyclists, as we want to keep our supporters up to date with what is happening. Sometimes we do get access to unsecured wireless in the area we are camping, or like tonight we go to the local library to get onto the Internet.
I am looking forward to having this week behind me. Please pray that all the cyclists can maintain their strength to finish each day’s ride. Long days do take the toll on people.
Hi! kid-o A long haul and the longest days behind you is great. Only one more week before GR and then only two more weeks. That's truly an accomplishment 9 weeks on a bike. Better you than me. I give you a lot of credit. As always your on my mind and thoughts and prayers are sent out for you and all the cyclists. God knows what each and everyone needs at specific times. May God continue to hold you close.Love Audrey
Claire and Hank
I have been following your route on the map as best as I can, despite my heavy schedule at work.
I am glad you are okay after your fall Claire. (At least you now have proof that you are biking the tour. lol)
You both are in my prayers as well as the support teams.
This is such a journey for you both and "The Journey" has not forgotten both of you. You are missed.
I hope that the weekend will be restful for you. (Today is Aug. 9) 21 days to go. I imagine the traffic is starting to get heavier and more intense.
Be careful and keep God in the foreground and He will be constantly with you in turn.
God Bless,
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