Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 47 August 15 South Haven to Grand Haven Sea to Sea 08

Day 47 August 15 South Haven to Grand Haven Sea to Sea

Today’s stats

Distance 48.63 miles
Time in saddle 3.17 hours
Ascent 1008
Current elevation 663
Average speed 14.8
Temperature 75 with winds from the NW

Since it was a shorter day today and breakfast would not be served till 630 Hank and I slept in to 530. We managed to get everything packed up by 6 AM. We seem to be getting more efficient
in our packing and needing less time. We ate breakfast and were ready to ride by 7:10 AM. I went out with Barb’s team again as they were ready at the time I was ready. Hank went out with Bill and Mary. I arrived in camp at 1230 and Hank arrived at 130.

It was very cool this morning so I wore my arm warmers, leg warmers and a jacket. It was a beautiful sunny brisk morning for biking- a perfect biking day in many respects.

As it was fairly early, the group decided to stop for coffee in Saugatuck. It is a touristy town on Lake Michigan with lots of beautiful home, cottages, and great yachts. We could see there is lots of money here. If there are any poor, they are well hidden.

The landscape was again one with lots of forests. We saw lots of oaks and maples. Several roads we biked down had a canopy of tree branches covering the road. We thought that this would be a beautiful place to ride in the fall when the colors are out. It was just a great ride.

Graafschaap Christian Reformed Church had arranged to provide us lunch that would be served at 10 AM. They had a great spread of sliced meat, bagels, breads, fruits, and cookies. It was very much appreciated by the cyclists. Thank you Graafschaap. We also visited the Heritage Centre in the church which displays the history of the Dutch immigration to the US Why they came, How the came, How they lived and How they worshipped. The church and its community were very important to the immigrants. They center was very interesting and provided lots of interesting information. The family of Dave Geerlings, one of our cyclists, was one of the first settlers and was members of this church community. It was interesting to hear his stories.

After lunch we headed to Grand Haven as a number of us including myself would be meeting family members at the Conference grounds. Along the route Jerry Kobes wife surprised him by coming in from the state of Washington. Jerry was very surprised but also delighted that his wife was here.

Jonathan and Kendra, Kiley and Mark also greeted me along the route, which was a pleasant surprise. It was good to see them. They came to the conference grounds and stayed for supper. My sister Nellie and sister Audrey and her husband Frank also came and had supper with us.
Jonathan, Kendra, Mark and Kiley, Hank and I at the Christian Reformed Conference grounds
My sister Audrey and her husband Frank, myself and Hank and my sister Nellie.
Welcoming group at the Conference grounds.
Many of the cyclists had visitors greet them. Many saw their spouses for the first time in 7 weeks, so it was quite the joyful place. We met and number of spouses, parents, siblings of cyclists. It was neat to meet some of the people we heard cyclists talk about. Sharing this experience with family and friends is very precious. They get to have a sense of what life is like for us and how we have lived these past 7 weeks. Cyclists who have not had family, people from Ontario, are looking forward to being in their home turf and to see family and friends there. It will be neat for them also to be given a grand welcome like we have had here and other places.
Christian Reformed Home Missions provided tonight’s supper. It was a great of meal of steak, salads, and chocolate squares. Thank you Home Missions for your generosity.

Tonight we said goodbye to 15 cyclists and celebrated communion. Again it was a meaningful time and reminded us of the larger community that is supporting and praying for us daily. It will be important to also remember so many of the poor we are cycling for and to know we are one in the Lord with them.

It is now getting late and I hope to post this yet tonight. Pictures are not uploading at all so I will have to wait till tomorrow night when I am at home to put pictures on the blog.

Tomorrow will be a busy day as we have several refreshment stops provided and we hope to ride in as a group at 1230 into Calvin College. Hank and I are looking forward to being in our own bed for two nights.

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