Day 51 August 19 Laingsburg to Richmond, Michigan
Today’s stats
Distance 97.09 miles
Time in saddle 6.29 hours
Ascent 2575 feet
Current elevation 717
Average speed 15 miles per hour with head winds 8-10 miles per hour
Temperature 75 degrees
Hank and I got up at 520 AM. It was still very dark, but we started to pack up anyway as it is a long biking day to day.
I was going to bike with Carol and Rich Rienstra. When I got out of the gear truck they were not there so I thought they had left and I took off after them at 640 am . Apparently, they had not left and I ended up biking alone for about 10 miles. Hank and Mel left together.
Bert Slofstra said he would draft me if I wished, which I gladly agreed to. We did pick up a few other cyclists along the way. Art Mulder and Terry Kuipers did bike with us part of the way, but their speed was slower than Bert and we left Joe Deweerds SAG stop without them.
The scenery we biked through was quite nice. Typically what Michigan and Ontario looks like. We had some rolling hills, which made the route a little more interesting. I managed to stay behind Bert the whole way.
When I arrived in camp, Hank and Mel arrived at the same time. They had decided to take Joe’s SAG as the headwinds were too much for Mel. Mel also received a call just after he arrived from Sylvia that Sylvia’s sister had died suddenly in the night and there would be a funeral on Friday. Mel will be leaving the tour this afternoon and rejoining us in St Catherines. Condolences to Sylvia and Mel and Sylvia’s family for the unexpected death.
At the Peleton meeting we heard about how God used the death of Mark Vanthof in February to touch the lives and ride for three riders from Josh Nyenhuis. First he shared how Mark had inspired and encouraged him in participating in the Sea To Sea bike tour. Mark was very enthusiastic about the tour and was very supportive for the cause. Len Reimersma shared how Mark supported his request for a sabbatical through Classis Erie and went the extra mile to ensure Len’s sabbatical was supported at Classis and his church. Josh also shared how Mark Deckinga used Mark’s recumbent to bike from Denver to Grand Rapids as it was Mark’s V wife’s wish the that his bike be involved with the bike tour. Mark’s wife Marsha shared with us Mark’s life. As young person he grew up in Grand Rapids and lived in the Oakdale part of GR. When white flight occurred in the 60’s and 70’s Mark’s family stayed along with Oakdale CRC and the Christian School. Both school and church are still a testimony to how people continue to serve the Lord in a predominately black community. Mark’s life was always about helping others. It was a very powerful message for us as cyclists and reminds us how God continues to surprise us in how he works and moves among us. How he uses a sad event to bless so many people. It is truly amazing. Thanks to all who shared their testimony to make God’s presence more real for us all.
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