Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday in Colorado Springs

Sunday in Colorado Springs

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad in it.  We certainly were glad to have a Lord’s Day when we did not have to bike.  We had breakfast at 730-830, church at 930 and lunch at 1130 with the rest of the day free till supper at 6. I got an opportunity to clean my bike and to take people to various stores to pick up things they needed.   Some people went to Pikes Peak by vehicle, others went to Garden of the Gods and others went to tour the Air Force Academy. 

The church service at Cragmor Christian Reformed Church was an inspiration and challenge to us. What matters is that our lives give glory to God. We are special people to God and loved by God. People don’t care about how much I know, but about how much I care and live a life that glorifies God by doing good.  We as cyclist have a message to tell and how we tell God’s story in our ride across the country matters a great deal.  Today raised the spirits and feelings of most cyclists and they seem ready to ride again for another week. Looking out the front window of the church we could see the grand mountains in the background a most glorious view.

This morning the sky was clear and sunny but late morning early afternoon we could see the storm on the mountains.  Late this afternoon storm clouds came over head and the rain held off till we quickly finished our peloton meeting at 8 PM.  It is now pouring buckets but most people have chosen to stay in school.  Most of us do not relish sleeping in our tents in the rain and packing up a wet tent in the morning. 

Hope you had a good day too and were blessed by worshiping with other Christians.   

 Hank Vlaardingersbroek telling one of his stories again and Barb noting it for her blog
                                                Hank sitting out the afternoon rain storm
Chris Vlaardingersbroek and Barb Mellema busy blogging while Hank spins his tales

Window in front of the Cragmor church looking out to the mountains

Lunch at Cragmor church for cyclists

                        View of camp with storm clouds on the mountains in the distance
Peloton meeting with storm clouds brewing

Shirley and Rudy Folkerts saying good bye to the group.  they hope to see us again next weekend in Fairbury NB. They are going home with their son who is driving down for Shirley to see a doctor and take care of her leg.

1 comment:

Suzanne Guest said...

Keep it up Claire! I am thoroughly enjoying your posts and pictures. Hope you are doing much better with the cramping. If you need more funds to reach your goal, could you please contact me?