I left Canon City at 625 in 68 degrees with Barb Mellema. It was a beautiful to bike with the sun shining and great mountain scenery. The first couple of roads we were on were a little rough that pea gravel we call it that gives bikes lots of resistance so we have to work even on flat terrain . We also started gradual climbing. Even though we only had 49 miles to bike we also had to climb 3000 feet. One of the highways we had to ride for 30 miles going into Colorado Springs was 115 which was called accident highway. We were advise to stay on the right side of the rumble strip as cars go very fast along us on the highway. We had a few long climbs of 2-4 5 grade. All the cyclists also commented that when it looked like we should be going downhill or even level we were actually climbing a 1 % grade. It was harder work today.
I had my first flat today which should not have happened. When I blew up my tires in the morning I had had trouble getting the pump nozzle on my front tire and ended up letting all the air out. When I filled it up I did not realize I had pinched the tube inside. So when I was sailing down a nice downhill I suddenly heard thump thump. I looked down and my front tire was flat. Barb was well ahead of me, I called her to tell her I had a flat and to keep going as I knew a fellow cyclists would stop by to assist me. Henry DeJager from California was kind enough to stop and help me.
In riding though Colorado Springs we went along some grand old homes on Cascade Ave and were on a beautiful bike trail that went along a river. I finally arrived at Colorado Christian School a little after 11. The ride into the school had a 6% grade. The whole school is built on hill and the trucks are parked near the top where we were supposed to camp while the showers and restrooms are near the bottom. Not a pleasant relaxing situation. The people in charge did finally allow us to sleep inside the building. I readily did that as they was the usual afternoon storm brewing and I preferred to have restrooms close by for the night.
Talk about the storm as we were watching it across the valley in the mountains we realized 5 of our cyclists were caught up in this storm as they were cycling up Pikes Peak. They were caught in hail, tornado, wind, and rain. When they reached the top they were blessed to see 2 other Sea to Sea cyclists with vehicles up at the top who were able to load them and their bikes in their vehicles and bring them back to camp. They were glad they did it, but realized what a crazy thing they had attempted and probably would never do this again.
On a sad note another cyclist, Shirley Folkerts, broke her leg. She was coming down a hill on 115 when she saw gravel on the shoulder and tried to miss it but hit the rumble strip which caused a blow out on her tire and the bike and her rolled over several times. It was a scary event that could have been much worse. As she and her husband are riding together they will need to decide their future on the tour as it is difficult living in a mobile camp with facilities that are not always convenient and the best. Please pray for Shirley and Rudy as they seek the Lord's leading.
Today is Sunday, so we are looking forward to a relaxing day. We will go to a church close by and have lunch there. this afternoon I hope to clean up bike and clean out my closet eg laundry baskets and gear. I did manage to get laundry done at the Abbey as they had laundry facilities in the dorm where I stayed.
Thanks for all your prayers and support. May you be blessed and also be a blessing to others today.
Thanks for your posts, Claire. Although I do not always comment, I do read every post, word for word. have been praying daily for all the cyclists and staff, but so sorry to hear about the Folkert's accident/situation. Hope your hand is healing well and that it no longer encumbers you. Blessings to all on this day of rest and worship.
Claire, although I do not always comment, I do read and enjoy every one of them. Hope your hand is continuing to heal. Praying for all cyclists and staff daily, that God will protect, strengthen and encourage you along the journey. Praying also for the Folkerts and the struggle they are dealing with.
Blessings to all on this day of rest and worship. To God be the Glory!
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