Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 33 Beginning of week 6 Iowa City to Fulton IL 95 miles

It was cool when we woke up this morning, but the sun was shining and there was a little wind.  I had decided yesterday, I would have Phil drop me off at the second SAG to start riding today.  That happened to be at mile 40.4.  Phil and Barb were going to continue to mark the road and ensure there were no more issues for cyclists to encounter. Phil ended up changing the route after the detour sign , but managed to keep at the same distance of 95 miles.
It was a lovely day for a ride. The roads were fairly flat with some climbing, but not very much climbing and little wind.  It was a cool to start and warmed up to 80 by the time I finished at 1 PM.  I had little difficult with my leg and remembered to keep my right toe pointed down to ensure my Achilles tendon did not suffer additional strain.  It went great. My hand also was fine, but I will put the removable cast back on tonight when I sleep. 
I rode by myself most of the day.  Chad and Eric Verluis and Rick DeJonge caught up with me at the last SAG which was mile 86.  We crossed the Mississippi and entered Illinois together.  Over all just a great ride.  Hope everyone else also has a good ride today. 

Nice to have a beautiful day with no wind, rain, and lots of sun. God is good and it feels good to be in camp relaxing and enjoying the day.  Blessings to everyone thanks for your prayers and support.   
Stat for today
Distance56.26 mi
  • Duration3h:58m:09s
  • Avg. Speed14.2 mph
  • Max. Speed25.1 mph
  • Calories2667 kcal
  • Min. Altitude521 ft
  • Max. Altitude787 ft
  • Total Ascent232 ft
  • Total Descent395 ft
  • 1 comment:

    Audrey said...

    Glad things went well today. Continue to pray for you and all the riders as they ride and remain safe.