In the midst of excitement and joy, there is also lots of anxiety and stress. Please pray for the cyclists as they begin as many who have never ridden for more than one day or in a large group over unfamiliar territory or conditions are very anxious can they do it. Many of us have no idea how we will handle riding in the desert with temperatures in the 100's or the mountains with steep inclines to climb up. Please pray for the volunteers who are committed to making everything work to support the cyclist. Right now the tilt skillet in the kitchen is not working and the gear trucks electrical needs work. The SAG drivers are concerned about being in the right place with the right supplies for cyclists and that they too can handle hours in out in the desert in the mountains and in the prairies. Lots of anxieties.
One of the important rules of the tour is not to drop anyone when you are riding together. Yet last night one of the cyclist had a flat tire and did not make the tire dipping as there was no one around to help get him back on the road. A very important lesson for all of us on this tour, but also important for everyday life that we not abandon people in difficulty and leave them alone will we celebrate the joys and adventures of life.
Please pray for Al DeKok, Phil Quist and Jay Prium as they are the key leaders that people will be looking to for direction and leadership that everything is in order and things are all working well. Many things can go wrong and little details forgotten that become critical at a certain time and no longer is insignificant but a major concern. Reminder again of life that little things if left unattended can derail our plans and our lives when we do not expect it.
But here I am embarking on a bike tour across the country. My journey will last 9 weeks and I will be able to back to the comforts of home. What about the people I am cycling for? When will they see relief from their challenging journey? I pray that with the money we are raising, we will help thousands of people to have enough food, have work to pay for schooling and shelter and to live a life of joy and adventure too
May I leave with this note of the benediction we received after our Celebration service this afternoon and printed in our devotional Reflectors.
May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ go with you, wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm.
May He fill your heart with delight, at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing, once again through our doors.
... And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon you and remain with you always.
My prayers are with you and everyone. My you feel God's presence through the Holy Spirit.
Praying daily for everyone on the tour. Also reading the devotional to get a sense of what awaits you each day and each week. May God graciously keep all in his loving care.
Ken Prol
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