Saturday, April 13, 2013

Will I bike when it rains?

Rain Rain Rain. I know the farmers are loving the rain as the soil has been very dry in the last couple of summers, but for someone who is looking to get outside to start some serious training it is not a joy to see it rain everyday. April showers bring May flowers they say and we should be thankful, but Lord we could use some sunshine and dry days too.  I am trying not to be anxious, but with the weeks starting to count down, it will be more challening to get in the necessary training miles. My back up option is to do the bike spin classes at the gym which help with some conditioning, but does not really replace riding outside with the wind and hills. It is April 13.  9 weeks from today I will probably start my drive out to California for the start of the Sea to Sea tour in Newport Beach.  I hope to put in 1000 miles by then.

While I was laying in my soft warm bed hearing the rain, I was contemplating our bike ride this summer and wondering how much rain we might have.I thought of myself lying in my cool tent, on the hard ground, hearing the rain, wondering whether it would still be raining in the morning riding in the rain.  Not a good thought.  I had to remind myself, not to worry today, but to take one day at a time and to enjoy whatever God brought me today. I could worry and fret, but that does not change what the weather is doing outside. I could only change how I viewed my circumstances and control how it affected my attitude and feelings. Maybe not today because it is 36 degrees, but soon I will put on my bike clothes including a rain jacket, get out and bike in the rain because the Lord has brought that to nourish the earth and the farmers and the ground need it.
So Claire get ready to suck it up, get tough, get out and enjoy each day as God has given it.

This week I celebrated my 65th birthday, I am blessed with good health.  How many people do I know who at this age are preparing to bike across the continent for the 3rd time. Not many. Rejoice and be glad in this day. The Lord is good and gracious. Do not worry, trust the Lord. 

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