Hank says his ride today was easier today than yesterday and is finding some slower riders for companionship. He is happy to be through the Cascades.
Yesterday we cycled past snow along the side of the road. It was a 40 mile climb to the top of Stevens Pass. The last 35 miles were down hill. It was really cool. I hit a speed of 37 miles/hour going down the mountain. We rode past a rushing mountain river into Levenworth that cooled down the valley we were biking into. It was a real relief and felt invigorating.
Today as I came down the mountain I hit 41.5 miles per hour. It was a thrill.
Because I managed to get in early, it was nice to have more time to relax and go into town. Yesterday when we were in Levenworth I would have loved to stop but it was such a long day that I just wanted to get into camp, take a cold shower and sit down.Several people are experiencing difficulty on the tour. A couple of them have had to ride in a support vehicle as they were having difficulty getting up the mountains or the heat is affecting them. Fellow cyclist are very supportive and encourage each other a great deal. With lots of young people on the tour there is a high level of energy and enthusiasm. At the end of each days ride they are eager to go for a swim, bike into town to see the sights. Oh to be young again. They seem to be the Ever Ready Bunnies.
The weather here is hot and dry right now and is supposed to be like that for the next week or so. It hit 102 yesterday from what we heard and 101today. There has been rain in the area but we did not get it. We are praying that we will not get the weather like people in Michigan are having.
We had 9 flats on Monday and 11 flats yesterday. One person had 6 flats in the same day. On Monday 13 people feel and Tuesday 6. This happens easily if one is not paying attention to the cyclists in front of you. If one wants to look around and observe the scenery than biking close together is not a good idea.
We are thankful for all the support staff who are providing support to the tour. The kitchen staff are doing a great job feeding us with excellent meals. The meals are ready on time and there is lots of food. Thanks to Lavonne and her team.
Our SAG (support and Gear) team which provides support on the road are falling into a routine. Yesterday the cyclists were running out of water and needed to get their bottles filled as SAG stops due to the extreme heat. Today the SAGS were running out of water and they are buying more water containers to ensure cyclist have more water when they need it. This tour could not be as successful if we did not have these very important people with us. I hope to take pictures of them in action as the tour goes on so you can see who they are and what they are doing.
Hi Claire,
Awesome...Thank you for your blog and pictures. Hank and you are in our prayers. God bless, your brother John
Haave a great day. Glad to here things are going well. I can't image the tireness of body. Praying for you both. Love Audrey
Hi, Claire.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like HZ's having some trouble with the hills and the heat. Give him our best wishes and encouragement! We're proud of you guys!
Looking forward to seeing you next weekend in Boise! It's supposed to be 106 degrees F here today...ouch!
Matt, Sheri, Valerie & Kathleen Z.
Glad to finally see some pictures and hear you are doing well!
Kristin, Scott, Katie, Kam and Troy
Dear Claire & Hank,
So good to read your blogspot and keep up with both of you as you journey.
We also keep up with your daily trip via the devotional. It seems to us that the most challenging part of the trip may be at the very beginning - with the high elevations + the heat!
Praying daily that you stay safe and well.
Dan & Ida
Claire - in reading your latest blog, I thought to myself at least Claire isn't going down the hills at speeds over 60 kph - I had read 41.5 and thought I can do that until I checked again and saw that you had posted miles instead of kilometres. Here's thinking you were still measuring in Canadian terms. That will be a stretch for me to go that fast downhill.
See you in Denver. We keep praying for all the cyclists.....keep safe.
God Bless,
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