Day 23 July 22 Duchense to Dinosaur 91.7 miles
Total time in saddle 7.32 hours, elevation 5869, average speed 12.3 miles per hour.
Hank and I both left at 640. I arrived at 445 and Hank at 545.
It was a little cool when we first got up but warmed up quickly. Both of us started out at a good pace this morning. Hank rode with Bill and Mary again and they averaged 17.4 miles per hour for the first 18 miles. It is the fastest average Hank has ever had. I rode with Joan and we averaged 16.4 miles per hour. We both meet at the first SAG. I took Hank’s picture as he rode in.
The terrain was varied. We saw red rock formation that are the beginning of the red rocks that extend all the way to the Grand Canyon. They had their own beauty.
We were well over half way before noon and had some lunch in Varnal. We only had 35 miles left to go about noon. The last 35 miles took us forever. We faced headwinds and up hill climbing. It was not very steep but it was long. With the head winds and rough roads it felt we were riding on flat tires. We were working twice as hard. Everyone we spoke to at camp felt the same way. It seems most people found this another tough day.
Along the way Joan stopped to pick up money she saw on the road and managed to pick up $1.17. This money goes into the Sea to Sea donation bucket. Anyone who finds money or receives donations puts it into this bucket. Joan also spoke to two cyclists who were carrying lots of gear. She found out one was on the road six months and the other three months. Both seemed to be enjoying their experience.
I forgot to mention that one night Hank found out he had a flat tire at the peleton meeting. He had to change this before he went to bed as the next day we were going to have a long ride. So Hank has had two flats so far.
One of the cyclists Joanne Tipple, who had a very heavy bike and was experiencing lots of problems got a new bike this weekend. Her comment to us is God is good. She is enjoying her rides much more and finds the hills much easier now that she has a new Trac.
One of our cyclists Jake Kuipers, has also had two significant accidents that could have injuried him seriously. The first one occurred just as he arrived in Sunnyside. He hit a bump and went flying over his handle bars and hit his head on the pavement. He had no serious injuries. Today, his seat post broke while he was riding along and he went flying onto the middle of the busy highway we were biking along. Fortunately no cars were coming in either direction. Thank you God for your protection for Jake and that nothing serious happened. It could have been very tragic if there had been traffic.
Tonight we are staying in the city park. Nothing grand. We have to walk to an RV park about quarter mile to go for showers. The women’s shower only had one working so all the women waiting 6 of us decided to get things done as quickly as possible we would take turns under the shower head to get our hair and bodies wet than lather up and then go under to rinse off. We all managed to get six showers down in less than 10 minutes as supper was going to be ready in 10 minutes. None of us were shy. It was rather comical, but it worked for all of us and we were ready for supper in time.
We continue to feel God’s protection and care for all of us. We also try to be careful as we ride along the busy highways.
Hank and I are tired but hanging in there and taking each day as it comes. Thanks for all of your words of encouragement and prayers. We know God is here for us.
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