It is now the last week before we leave for Seattle. The excitement and enthusiasm is beginning to build. We packed our bikes and duffels and loaded them onto the gear truck this afternoon. The truck is heading out tomorrow for Seattle. It is loaded with fellow cyclists bikes and duffel bags. Hank and I both help load the truck today. It was good to meet Bill and Bert, our camp supervisors, and Lavonne our kitchen lead and to hear their enthusiasm and excitement to be a part of this adventure.
It feels stranged not having my bike handy as it has become dear to me. It was such a beautiful day to day and when we finished loading the gear truck, we thought what a perfect day for a bike ride. The temperature was about 75, little wind and no humidity. Funny how we also noticed the way flags are blowing these days to see which way the wind is blowing. Too bad our bikes were on the truck. Oh well, we will have lots of days to pedal after next week.
I have attached some pictures of our time at synod both inside and outside the building. The large gear truck was parked just outside the Fine Arts Centre at Calvin College where the Synod of the Christian Reformed church was meeting. Delegates to the church synod got a chance to walk onto the truck to see how we would be keeping our clothes and gear for nine weeks.
To see the two large trucks completely covered with Sea To Sea logos was pretty amazing. Seeing these trucks now ready, made me realize we are ready for the tour to start.
I was also amazed to learn how much Diaster Response Service (DRS) of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) has provided in terms of vehicles and volunteers. Many volunteers helped put the shelving and electrical outlets onto the gear truck. They have allowed Sea to Sea to store material, equipment, bikes, and duffel bags there. Sea to Sea will also be using 2- 12 passenger vans, two pickup trucks that are pulling a camping trailer and food trailer. DRS has been very supportive and generous. Thanks to the folks at DRS for their goodness and generosity.
Following pictures give you a flavour of the past two day events. I will probably not do another posting till next week when I am in Seattle.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and financial support. Hank and I have raised 16,600 so far. We are still hoping to raise our goal of $20,000.
Cyclists appearing at synod for presentation and prayer.
Gear truck in front of Fine Arts Centre on Calvin College Campus.
Hank and I with Arbin Pokarel a friend from Nepal
Carol Rienstra, Hank and I in front of the truck which is stationed outside the Fine Arts Centre where synod is meeting. We were excited to see the new jerseys and to see a large group of cyclists wearing them.
Bert and Bill the camp supervisors. They are also know as Oscar and Felix. They are quite the characters and enjoy having fun and being together. They have known each other a long time. Bill is taking his motor cycle along on the truck to Seattle as he will be riding the rode everyday with the cyclists checking to see if anyone may need help.
"Oscar and Felix" stand inside clean empty gear truck. Notice the shelving that will hold the cyclists stuff. Each cyclist will be allowed two laundry baskets for their clothes and their tents, sleeping bags, etc which has been packed in duffel bags will be placed in the aisle when the truck pulls out of camp each day.
Bill alias Felix inside packed gear truck with his motor cycle
One of the pickup trucks DRS is letting the Sea To Sea use for the tour.
This is the kitchen trailer which will serve all the meals for 200 people on the tour. The kitchen has a large walk in frig, two large freezers, a large 6 burner stove and two large convection ovens. It is quite the vehicle.
this will be the media trailer for the tour.
At the end of a busy day of loading vehicles Ed Witvoet, Tour Logistics Manager, Bert Steenbergen, camp supervisor Jan Beek assistant tour manager, her father, Art from DRS and Bill DenHarder camp supervisor pose for final picture. Thanks everyone for all the hard work in getting everything packed onto the trucks so they can roll out Saturday morning for Seattle.
If people get a chance, it will be interesting to see the whole camp in action when tents go up and the kitchen truck is preparing meals. There will a beehive of activity and a sight to watch.
Claire - watching the presentation at Synod makes the tour more of a reality - just think by next week Sunday, there will be a beehive of activity in Seattle with all the last minute preparations.
It was an impressive presentation - spoke to our pastor today who was there and he said there were at least 50 cyclists present - we only saw 4 of them.....
Can't wait to join in Denver. See you there.
Safe travels to you both...Your in my prayers
Sounds like things are coming together. We have limited computer access here, but we'll keep checking your blog. Enjoy this week as you continue to prepare. We're doing well here. Actually we really love the Chicago area and are having a great summer.
Talk to you later.
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