Saturday, April 12, 2008

Skiing in Colorado

My husband Hank and I recently went downhill skiing in Colorado for a week and also visited Boise. It was a great time and we had lots of good snow. Neither of us had any difficulty with sore muscles as both of us have been training indoors prior to our trip 5-6 days per week at our local gym. We feel very blessed to have good health and strength. As we were driving through the mountains in Colorado and in Boise we both thought about the next time we would be here with our bikes and riding through the mountain passes on our bikes instead of zipping through by car. We were also awed by the beauty surrounding us and God's magnifcent creation. What an amazing God we have and what imagination He has to create such beauty and splendor.


Margaret said...

Claire - sounds like a great ski trip to Colorado. Standing on top of a mountain sure does fill you with awe seeing what God has created.
When in April is your big day?
Enjoy the training!

Rita Beerda said...

Hi Claire: I realized I left a comment for you on my own blog. I'm not too up on this blogging yet. Peter is definitely a stronger cyclist than I am but training with him has been good for me. It forces me to do my potential. A friend of mine was trying to post a comment but was unable to get in. Does she have to set up a password or is there another way? She is not a cyclist and does not have a blog. Can you help me out here either by email or blog? Look forward to seeing you in Denver. I'll be praying for you guys starting in Seattle.