As Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the 2013 Bike Tour, I am preparing the foreword for the new devotional called "Reflectors" This devotional is for cyclists, volunteers, prayer partners, and all the people who have and continue to support this tour. I pray that as you take this journey reading this devotional, you will fell that challenge facing cyclists every day, anticipate the excitement and beauty each day, and you will feel called to do more than just to read this booklet. As each of us contemplates God’s words to us, we respond by taking action riding, volunteering, praying, and making a donation or by actually serving the needs of the poor in communities locally and globally.
For the cyclist this might be the most amazing journey ever undertaken and life will never be the same. This bike journey of 9 weeks, 3900 mile/6000 kilometer bike tour, from Los Angeles to New York City via Montreal will carry the message of “ending the cycle of poverty” in a very unique and profound way. It is much more than just an ordinary bike tour. It is a bike tour with a purpose that we hope will change thousands of lives locally and globally through prayer and providing financial support for health, food, work, and business opportunities.
During this nine-week journey cyclists and volunteers on tour will have many different experiences from great highs to deep lows. As cyclist pedal, they will face wind, rain, steep mountains, sore muscles, extreme fatigue, hunger, and loneliness. Each will be challenged emotionally, physically and spiritually. At times each person will wonder whether they have what it takes to finish the ride. They are vulnerable to the elements, and speeding traffic. The wind can be a friend or foe depending on which way it blows. Cyclist will question the wisdom of having undertaken such an arduous journey.
This time also provides a great opportunity to be close to God 24/7 and to see his majesty and glory. Listen carefully to hear God voice calling, feel his hand pushing you up the hills, brushing your cheeks with a cool breeze. I encourage everyone to ask yourself each day: Where did I see God? Through whom did I see God? How did people see and experience God through me? As we reflect on our calling and purpose may we grow closer to God and gain a much deeper understanding of who God is and who we are in our relationship to God. Use this time to journal your thoughts, feelings, anxieties, joys, and blessings. Record how your life is being changed each day. Journal what you see, think and feel on this amazing journey. You life will never be the same.
During this time, reflect on the lives of the poor. They do not have a choice in how difficult their life is. When the heat overwhelms, remember the poor have no air-conditioning to go into to eat or sleep. When you are hungry, remember the poor may only eat one meal today. Their vulnerability to the elements continues day in day out for years. For people on the tour, the bike is a recreational vehicle, which is great for exercise and is a source of enjoyment. Remember the poor for whom the bike is their livihood, it is their source of income or the only transportation they have available or can afford. Remember and pray for the poor of the world who have no options and barely survive each day.
As we follow the devotional and reflect on God’s hand on us and his call to us, may we grow in our awareness to the needs of the poor, may we not leave this ride without committing ourselves to helping at least one person, one family, one community this year. For those of you reading this devotional in the comforts of your home will you also take up this challenge? Together we all can make a huge difference.
May you experience God’s presence and blessings when you lest expect him. Look and listen for him. I pray each of us may experience God’s blessing as we participate in this awesome and audacious journey.